• R 231, Greater Kailash Part I, New Delhi -100 048

NCI welcomes applicants for its 2023 Summer/Fall Internship Programme!

Primary purpose of the internship

The internship opportunity is primarily to support NCI in its communication and visibility strategy alongside work on our programmes for Summer and Fall 2023.

Key Responsibilities

The key responsibilities that feature the internship include working on supporting NCI activities that are related to visibility and stakeholder engagement. The intern will work in cooperation and under the supervision of the Director of NCI. 

Requirements for applying

  • Must be registered as a student with a NCI member university
  • Minimum 2 years of university education. Students in the final year of their Bachelor degree are encouraged to apply.
  • Experience in terms of travelling abroad (preferably developing countries) for a study abroad programme, internship and/or fieldwork
  • English speaking proficiency
  • Motivation letter
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Experience in working with media and communication will be an advantage

Deadline for applying

  • 31st March 2023 (Summer Internship)
  • 31st May 2023 (Fall Internship)


The following documents will make up your application
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation Letter
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Transcripts/Grade certificates of academic degree

What NCI will provide

NCI will provide a subsidy of 500 Euros for the intern’s travel to and from India and will cover local official travel. The intern will be provided with a work station at the NCI Delhi residence. The intern will be assisted in applying for the visa to India in terms of providing the necessary paperwork. The intern is expected to be insured for the duration of her stay. NCI will not be providing any monetary support for the internship. On successful completion of the internship NCI will provide a certificate for the same and a recommendation letter. The intern will be provided the opportunity to stay at the NCI residence as per the terms and conditions attached to the same for the duration of the internship.

Interested applicants are encouraged to direct all queries to:

Christabel Royan
Director, Nordic Centre in India
E-mail: christabel.royan@nordiccentreindia.com

Interested applicants can send in their application to:

NCI Secretariat

Time period of summer internship: 1st July to 1st September, 2023 (negotiable)
Time period for fall internship: 1
st October to 1st December, 2023 (negotiable)


Summer Internship 2017 – Mirna Aho

A communication student from Finland, Mirna Aho, had the chance to work for NCI in summer 2017. During a two month long internship she truly got to experience the Incredible India.

-I wanted to do my internship abroad to gain more international experience. Before I traveled to India I was really excited and just trying to prepare myself for basically everything… I thought that it was better to think that anything can happen.

In the end Mirna was extremely happy she decided to take advantage of the opportunity to work in India.

-NCI is a very flexible organization and the management is open to all new ideas and proposals. I got to develop their communication strategy together with other staff members and this gave me excellent experience for future reference.

Besides working Mirna had a chance to travel around in India. She got to observe the summer programmes in big South India cities Bangalore and Hyderabad. She also travelled to Goa and (of course) to see Taj Mahal.


Spring Internship 2018 – Olli Peltola

Working for the Nordic Centre in India I was quite un-supervised and that enabled me to work in my own pace, which I found very calm and peaceful. The working environment at the New Delhi office was also very peaceful.

I got most of my tasks directly from Ms. Christabel Royan, and she also was continuously making sure that I was doing well. I accompanied Ms. Royan on her visits to our current/potential partner institutions and got to see the educational system of India as a bigger picture. These visits I enjoyed tremendously and it made me feel like a part of something bigger. This was my first time going on official visits like these and it taught me many things. I also made lot of contacts in India because of this and I know that the next time I’m going to visit India, I have a lot of people that can help me around (most notably Ms. Royan).


Summer Internship 2018 – Jukka Karjalainen

The summer internship at NCI was such an eye-opening experience for me even as a student majoring in Hindi language and South Asian studies. Not only did I have the chance to visit India for the first time and live there for two months, but I also got valuable insights into Indian working culture and academic life.

The NCI office and residence is located in Delhi, a multi-faceted and diverse capital city where traditional and modern ways of life coexist side by side everywhere. There is so much history and greenery all around, not to mention skyscrapers and shopping mall complexes. Luckily the neighbourhood of Nizamuddin East is a leafy and calm haven where you can always retreat to peace and quiet if the hustle and bustle of the city becomes too much. Besides staying in Delhi, I had a chance to travel in many parts of India as a part of the internship. I didn’t even expect to get to visit so many places and NCI partners before my internship! All the travel allows you to have an even more comprehensive view of the country and its vast diversity and plurality.

The staff at the NCI is friendly, welcoming, and top-notch! Especially Acting Director Ms. Christabel Royan made sure that all the practical arrangements are in place before the internship. As this was my first visit to India, I didn’t know what to expect of the two months. However, Ms. Royan with the rest of the staff made their best to make me feel comfortable and safe. As NCI is a small organization, there is a lot of independent work. Yet it becomes really rewarding when you can really make a difference and see how your work helps to make NCI go forward. This really motivated me to work diligently as my work truly mattered for the organization, I had a chance to improve my working skills and got continuous feedback on my progress.

I am so very grateful for my experience as the NCI Summer Activity Manager, and I would like to encourage anyone with an interest towards India to apply. You are going to experience and learn so many things about India and yourself!

Summer Internship 2019 – Anni-Elina Vänskä

I worked as the NCI Summer Activity Manager from the 17th of June until the 20th of August 2019. It was a great two months full of inspiring encounters, work tasks and learning experiences. My first official work task was hosting the Midsummer Event for the Sweden Alumni Network India.  The following day I flew to Bangalore, where I spent two weeks at the Institute of Social and Economic Change, assisting and coordinating the “Exploring the environment in India: Issues in sustainability” course.    After Bangalore I had the opportunity to spend a few days in Jaipur, working from distance. After my time in Jaipur I flew to Hyderabad to assist with the orientation and beginning of the “Gender and Society in Contemporary India” program at the University of Hyderabad. After my week in Hyderabad I returned to Delhi and welcomed three semester students from the University of Copenhagen with Ilika. Throughout the two months I kept on taking pictures of important and meaningful events and updating NCI’s social media, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. My stay in Delhi was calmer in terms of social life, since in Bangalore and Hyderabad I spent full days with the program students. However, this felt good towards the end since I had time to focus on writing the reports and also working on the “Study in the Nordic region – a guide for Indian students”. I enjoyed very much building the guidebook. One of the highlights of my Delhi stay was teaching Nilu and Ilika how to bake Finnish cinnamon buns, and also teaching Nilu how to fold napkins in a fancy way. These were great moments shared together and I was happy to see Nilu and Ilika enjoying the activities. Altogether, I had a great stay in Delhi thanks to the staff. Nilu, Ilika and Khekali made it very homely and assisted me in many things. I am very grateful for the time with NCI. It challenged me to learn new things, improved my skills in public performance, networking and event management as well as in Hindi among others. The work was much enjoyable to me and I felt like I could have easily kept on going. The best part of the internship was that it required me to take a lot of responsibility over myself and my work tasks, and also left room for me to come up with suggestions that could benefit NCI. This flexibility is definitely one of the strengths of the internship program since it allows you to learn and challenge yourself. Many thanks to NCI once more for providing such a memorable internship experience.