Postdoctoral researcher in Digital Platforms and Sustainable Consumption, Lund University
Work duties and responsibilities
The position mainly concerns research within the research projects DISCo and CARE.
DISCo is an international project with a focus on digital platforms and sustainable consumption. The overall goal of DISCo is to produce knowledge about how sustainable consumption can be made possible through digital technology. The project is based on practice theory and uses several methods to systematically examine digital efforts to redirect, reorganize and reduce consumption. The focus is on the consumption of food and mobility services. These areas are of interest both because they are linked to significant carbon footprints and because of their central importance for everyday consumption (more information can be found here:
CARE is an EU project focusing on enabling circular consumption. CARE stands for "Circular consumption Activities to tRansform households towards material Efficiency". It is a Horizon Europe project that runs from 2024 to 2027 and is run by a consortium of eleven dedicated partners across Europe. These partners bring together expertise in research, policy-making and community engagement to empower households in five European countries – Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Estonia – to embrace circular lifestyles in their households. From reducing food waste to making smarter clothing choices, CARE provides tools and support to make living circular practical and fun. Together, we don't just promote sustainability – we make it measurable, impactful and accessible, one household at a time (more information about CARE can be found here:
The principal investigator for the Swedish part of both projects is Christian Fuentes.
The work also includes contributing to the department's interdisciplinary research and research environment of the consumption, marketing and retailgroup as well as supporting the research group in its work to actively seek external research funding and contribute to publications of international quality.
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