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Doctoral student in materials chemistry with focus on characterisation of hard materials Lund University

Doctoral student in materials chemistry with focus on characterisation of hard materials Lund University

Description of the workplace

The position is at the Department of Chemistry and at the Centre for Analysis and Synthesis. Within materials chemistry, the centre has 6 senior researchers and ca. 15 doctoral students. We work on a broad range of materials from semiconductors and catalysts to ceramics.

The focus for this position is to study hard tooling materials at the atomic scale using mainly transmission electron microscopy. There will be a strong focus on characterizing the materials at the high temperatures and reactive environments occuring in industrial manufacturing processes. The project has connections both to research at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences and affected industry.

Subject description

The subject covers third-cycle education in the area of material chemistry. The research areas overlap to some extent with the research subject of inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, polymer technology and physics. The research focuses on synthesis of new solid materials and assembly of soft matter, and studies of their chemical and physical properties. Since the physical properties are directly dependent on the material’s order/disorder, their structure (both atomic and long range) is studied mainly with diffraction and/or scattering techniques. Collaboration with researchers in other areas of chemistry, physics, biology and other engineering subjects is an important part of the third-cycle programme.

Work duties

The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).

Your main work duties in connection with the research project will be characterization of tooling materials using tranmsission electron microscopy (TEM) in order to understand how microstructure and composition affects their properties. In collaboration with other researchers you will actively select or tailor suitable materials, and prepare samples thereof for the TEM experiments. You can expect to make week long visits to other Swedish or European research facilities at a few occasions.

Detailed description of the work duties, such as:

  • Preparation of samples from coatings and cemented carbides using focused ion beam milling
  • Characterization of these using transmission electron microscopy
  • Complementary characterizations using for example X-ray based diffraction and spectroscopies.
  • In collaboration with other researchers, make connections between microstructure, simulations and macroscopic properties

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