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Associate Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, Lund University

Associate Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, Lund University

Job description
Employment as an associate senior lecturer is a career-development position which aims to develop the holder’s independence as a researcher and educator.

The Faculty of Science offers a career programme for associate senior lecturers.

In order to support the formation of a research group, resources corresponding to at least one doctoral studentship will be linked to the appointment.

The position entails primarily research and in addition teaching in the first, second and third cycles. The position includes teaching, which is currently 10-30% of a full-time position, calculated over the entire period of employment. The content of the work duties, as well as the relative allocation between research and teaching, may change over time.

The successful candidate is expected to conduct active research in the subject and related areas, which will require efforts in seeking external funding for activities at the department and in developing collaboration with units within the University and with other government agencies and organisations working on similar issues.

Teaching includes courses in the first and second cycles in the subject specialisation, courses in the third cycle and supervision of degree projects and doctoral students.

Qualification requirements
A person is qualified for appointment as an associate senior lecturer if they have been awarded a PhD or have the corresponding research expertise. Primary consideration should be given to candidates who have been awarded a PhD or achieved the equivalent expertise within seven years of the deadline for application for employment as an associate senior lecturer. A person who has been awarded a PhD or achieved the equivalent expertise at an earlier date may also be considered if there are special grounds.

The associate senior lecturer must have a PhD in organic chemistry and have successfully completed a postdoctoral stay in a research environment other than the university at which the applicant defended his/her doctoral thesis.

Teaching staff at Lund University are required to be suitable for the position and to have the general ability to fulfil their work duties well.

Assessment criteria
Good ability to develop and carry out high-quality research and possess teaching skills. The main assessment criteria are research and teaching expertise, with greater emphasis placed on research expertise.

In the assessment, it is a requirement that the applicant:

  • demonstrates scientific expertise through scientific publications in the research area of organic chemistry,
  • presents an independent research plan that can be expected to form the basis for successful funding applications,
  • demonstrates very good knowledge of English with good communicative skills,
  • has the ability to plan, develop and conduct teaching.

Specific qualifications of additional merit:

  • has experience and skills that can complement and strengthen research and education within the department,
  • demonstrates the ability to establish, renew and develop the research area in question as well as the ability to obtain external research funding,
  • demonstrates documented experience of leadership,
  • has experience in planning, developing and implementing teaching,
  • demonstrates good collaborative skills, perseverance and personal maturity, and the ability to organize and structure the work.

When appointing teaching staff, Lund University’s Appointment Rules apply, in addition to the provisions set out in the Higher Education Ordinance.

We expect non-Swedish speaking staff members to acquire sufficient knowledge of Swedish to be able to teach and communicate with the different bodies of the University in this language within three years. 

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