• R 231, Greater Kailash Part I, New Delhi -100 048


Professor in Surface Spectroscopy of Biological Systems, Aarhus University


Professor in Surface Spectroscopy of Biological Systems, Aarhus University


The Department of Chemistry seeks outstanding applicants who are expected to lead and develop research and teaching activities within the field of spectroscopy at surfaces and interfaces of biological systems. In particular, the applicant must have demonstrated extensive research involving femtosecond time-resolved laser spectroscopy for studying structure and dynamics of molecules at surfaces and interfaces in biological- and other natural systems.

Applicants must have a PhD degree in chemistry or a closely related area. A qualified candidate will have a track record of excellent high-impact research, documented through articles in peer-reviewed international journals. The candidate is expected to build and lead an independent research group in Aarhus and conduct an active internationally recognized research program.

To qualify for the position, it is essential to document experience in managing an active research group.  In particular, the qualified candidate must demonstrate the ability to (a) publish at an internationally high level, (b) attract substantial research funding from a broad pool of sources, and (c) supervise and advise people ranging from bachelor students to postdoctoral associates and faculty colleagues. Collaboration with other groups at the Department of Chemistry is expected. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged, and collaboration with research groups in other Departments at Aarhus University, at other Universities, and with private industry is anticipated. Strategic plans for future research should be outlined in the application.

Interest and competencies in teaching chemistry at all levels of university education are essential. Applicants must document a record of significant teaching and supervision experience at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. A qualified candidate must be able to teach all introductory chemistry courses as well as undergraduate and graduate level courses in chemistry, including courses in surface chemistry, biophysical chemistry and advanced, laser-based spectroscopic techniques for characterization of materials and biological systems. Teaching can be in Danish and English, depending on the course. For non-Danish speaking employees, we offer Danish courses, expecting non-Danish speaking colleagues to learn Danish in a 3–5-year time span.

We expect our new colleague to value and participate in the general academic work at the Department of Chemistry. This includes serving on committees, collaborating with colleagues on the many tasks of a department, helping and giving feedback to colleagues, mentoring junior colleagues, etc. Experience with administrative tasks is desirable.

At Aarhus University, we aim to improve gender balance. In particular, we encourage female researchers to apply for the position. Both women and men are welcome to apply for the position. No one will be given priority, and all applicants will be assessed in accordance with the requirement profile for the position.

For further information on the position, please contact the head of the search committee Prof. Henrik Stapelfeldt (henriks@chem.au.dk), or the Acting Head of the Department of Chemistry, Prof. Jørgen Skibsted (jskib@chem.au.dk).

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