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Associate Professor in Property Law, Aarhus University

Associate Professor in Property Law, Aarhus University

The position

The person appointed to the position is expected to make a significant contribution to the department's teaching and research within Danish property law. Physical attendance at the department is required.

Property law deals with the rules that govern the economic activities of citizens and is traditionally divided into rules on the relationship between two parties (law of obligations) and rules on the relationship with third party (property law), but in a broader sense, property law also encompasses a number of individual research areas, such as insolvency law. The Department of Law wishes to strengthen its research efforts in property law in its broad sense.

The teaching obligations relate to property law courses on all the programmes offered or to which the department contributes from time to time. Currently, the main teaching and supervision tasks are on the BSc in Laws, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law, Master of Laws and Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, Master of Science in Business Administration, Accounting and Auditing and Graduate Diploma in Business Administration. The associate professor must therefore be able to teach and supervise in Danish. The teaching duties also include assignments at both oral and written examination. Finally, there is also a duty to contribute to the department's PhD degree programme.

The research obligations relate to the property law courses in which the person in question conducts teaching, as well as other property law courses within the department's and the faculty's overall strategy. The Department of Law wants to strengthen the research efforts in this field.

In addition to teaching and research duties, the person appointed to the position must be prepared to take on administrative tasks (e.g. planning, execution, evaluation and further development of teaching) and to work actively towards the department's objective of increased external funding. 

The person appointed to the position is expected to:

  • contribute significantly to the department's teaching environment, particularly performing research-based teaching and supervision tasks at both Bachelor's and Master's degree level in the subject area
  • make a significant effort in connection with written and oral examinations, including by preparing written examination assignments
  • publish and disseminate scientific results within the subject area, both nationally and internationally
  • conduct the development of the subject area at the highest international level, including by supervising PhD students within the subject area and by offering PhD courses
  • make a significant contribution to the department's research environment, for example by participating in internal and external, national and international conferences, workshops, networking and research groups within the subject area
  • undertake research management within the subject area and also be willing to actively pursue the department's objective of increased external funding.
  • be prepared to enter into cross-disciplinary partnerships to the extent that such partnerships are appropriate for developing teaching or research or for attracting external funding

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